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Visit of the Nobilia Werke

The Nobilia-Werke are a German manufacturer of fitted kitchens. The company in the east Westphalian Verl (Gütersloh district) in North Rhine-Westphalia has its headquarters.

A bathroom for the baby

So some apartment, it has many House: the forgotten Stiefzimmer. It leads a lonely life as a dusty storage room, blind illuminated tool detention center or “the need we very probably still Chamber. But at some point, quite unexpectedly, comes from somewhere a little light here and applies the fate sheet of the lost room. In this case, it is the announcement of a new and happy to be expecting Earth dweller. With fresh warmth to the heart, the dusty Stiefzimmer will now enter. A premonition and yearning for room and shine for the baby and his subordinates can blink your eyes. misaila_logo must be, measure brought visions of a dream of water and relaxation, to paper, opened money bags and the spores the artisanal paws. The work may begin… Remains only the exciting question who faster sees the light of day: the bath or the baby? Author: Brian Agatia Misaila addendum of the 13-03.2015: the baby dreiwöchigem ahead! All best in this world for C.Z. and her family.


woodi oy: Flexibel & platzsparend
From 24-28 February the Hannoveranian opened exhibition grounds his goals for 2015 Didacta presented new interior, on subjects such as pedagogy, digital teaching tools, educational and child-friendly exhibitors from different sectors, as well as enhancing gaming products. At the launch of the company’s products, it was not be overlooked that the angle of view of the company has greatly expanded. He finally applies the creative resources of the children, the flexibility through digital media, the economy, the social environment and the difficulties of communication between these branches. Still, it appears that the economy and the digital curiosity of children ahead are far the teachers, the educational opportunities and the flexibility of school publishers. The openness with which the advanced opportunities contrary to go businesses and schools slowly, makes it still hope: also Germany gradually arrives in the future-oriented school. Author: Lacrima Agatia Misaila

New kitchen at Flamme Küchen + Möbel, Berlin Spandau

Modern Nature, Berlin-Lankwitz

Customer: Privat

Planning: misailainterior

Implementaion: FlammeMöbel & Küchen

Photos: Jörg Merlin Noack Fotografik

The customer wanted a kitchen that is large enough for a 2 person household storage, communication support between kitchen and living area and smoothly integrating into the modern natural room environment

Lecher Rothenburg

visit of the Lechner factory in Rothenburg, Germany
Together with the quality of the kitchen furniture, the worktop itself is very important here, since it represent the value eofthe kitchen. Apart from the optical aspect, it should resist forin every type of work and everyday habits in the kitchen and survive for years. Lechner, founded 41 years ago in Forstinning, belongs to the most popular national and international manufacturers of worktops and niche rear walls. The production range includes laminated countertops from stone , glass and ceramics. In addition to the Quality Seal “Made in Germany”, the company is also distinguished by a lab test, for constantly operating in the quality optimization.Burg-Rothenburg